
Looking Younger with Plastic Surgery

Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons deal with the reconstruction of congenital malformations, excision and reconstructions of skin tumors and burns scarring, skin grafts, repair of hypertrophic … Continue reading Looking Younger with Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery

Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons deal with the reconstruction of congenital malformations, excision and reconstructions of skin tumors and burns scarring, skin grafts, repair of hypertrophic and keloidal scars, breast reconstruction following mastectomy, and avulsion injuries.
Lately most people use plastic surgery in changing their look because they want to look younger or have a permanent look.
It seems to be the trend in beauty enhancement which make people look lesser than their actual age. Research carried out to determine how much younger esthetic facial surgical procedures made people look, in order to measure surgical success.

They gathered data on 60 patients who had all undergone facial plastic surgeries. The age is between 45 and 72 years while patients were divided into three groups:

• Face and neck lift group

Face and Neck Lift

• Face and neck lift and eyelid work (blepharoplasty) group

Face, Neck and Eyelid Lift

• Eyelid work, and face, neck and forehead lifts


Face, Neck, Eyelid and Forehead Lifts