
ASIRI Presents Centenary Edition Of “Jaja of Opobo, Rivers of Oil and Blood”

Like the story of the Biblical Joseph that was sold to slavery and later became ruler of Egypt. This story here speaks more into our … Continue reading ASIRI Presents Centenary Edition Of “Jaja of Opobo, Rivers of Oil and Blood”

Issue 8 Cover Page EnglishLike the story of the Biblical Joseph that was sold to slavery and later became ruler of Egypt. This story here speaks more into our cultural and historical essence as Nigerians and mostly Africans.

Nigeria’s foremost cultural and historical art brand ASIRI is revaling in 33 pages the life and times of one of the greatest rulers of the great Opobo kingdom,a man that fought the British with all he had even at the cost of his life.

The “Celebration of the Titans” Project was created by the ASIRI Team to celebrate Nigerians who had done expolits during the slave trade and british colonization period,Nigerians that gave selflessly for the people at the cost of their lives. This issue allows us to go deep into time and see who “Jaja of Opobo” was,his fight for the soul of Opobo and how he died.

Exlcusive Picture of the great leader is also seen in this special edition,including letter with his own had writing,and also the announcement of his death in New York Times News paper in 1891.

For the first time,this issue is translated into “Yoruba” language to encourage indingenous learning.

Any lover of Nigeria history will appreciate a great deal of work put into this special issue.

Preserving Nigeria cultural history is our forte and we hope people would start to appreciate the need to preserve our history and also use it as an educational tool for the current and next generation.