
Journalists Urged To Uphold Mandate Of Educating People

Nigerian journalists have been asked to raise the quality of their work to ensure it meets up with the mandate of educating the public. The … Continue reading Journalists Urged To Uphold Mandate Of Educating People

Quill-Award-by-Promasidor-NigeriaNigerian journalists have been asked to raise the quality of their work to ensure it meets up with the mandate of educating the public.

The Managing Director of Promasidor Nigeria Limited, Mr Oliver Thiry, gave this advice on Sunday at the 2016 Quill Awards in Lagos.

Mr Thiry said the essence of the Quill Awards was to recognise the role of journalists in national development.

The company, with the award, encourages Nigerian journalists who have distinguished themselves in their professional pursuits and have contributed immensely to national development through the creativity and relevance of their stories.

In order to ensure fairness in selecting the winners of the competition, a panel of judges, led by Ambassador Dele Cole, scrutinised the entry for this year.

Winners in different reporting categories were called forward to receive their awards which comes with a plaque and an IPad while the winners in the photo category went home with a plaque and a high definition camera.

Ajibola Hamzat of Guardian Newspaper won the Quill Awards overall best reporter of the year, with an IPad and a four-week all-expense paid trip to the UK for a Thompsons Foundation Training.

While Promasidor has shown commitment to promoting more in-depth and excellent news reportage in Nigeria, through Quill Awards offered yearly since the past 12 years, much more is expected from Nigerian journalists in the task of changing the world for the better.