
Nigerian Army Distributes 10,000 Learning Tools To Less Privileged In Rivers Communities 

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, a representative of Eleme L.G.A Chairman, Ate Chinwi, thanked the Army for the kind gesture.

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A map of Rivers State, Nigeria


As part of efforts to build a cordial relationship with communities for the success of its “Still Water” exercise” in Rivers State, the 29 Battalion of the 6 Division, the Nigerian Army, has distributed palliatives to widows and the less privileged in two communities in the state.

The items distributed during the Friday event include 10,000 exercise books for secondary schools and some foodstuff items. The beneficiary communities are Ebubu and Aleto and a motherless children home all in Eleme Local Government Area of the oil-rich state.

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Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, a representative of Eleme L.G.A Chairman, Ate Chinwi, thanked the Army for the kind gesture.

The Army team also did some sensitisation at the communities’ town halls and secondary schools on the need to stay out of crime.

After the event, the Team Leader and Officer Commanding 29 Battalions, 6 Division of the Nigerian Army, Lieutenant Colonel Ishaya Manga, explained that the move was to foster a more cordial relationship with the communities.