
Be Committed To The Well-Being Of Nigeria– Ighodalo Charges Nigerians

Pastor Ituah Ighodalo, a Senior Pastor of Trinity House Nigeria has urged Nigerians to come together to aid the nation in its fight for survival, … Continue reading Be Committed To The Well-Being Of Nigeria– Ighodalo Charges Nigerians

Pastor Ituah Ighodalo, a Senior Pastor of Trinity House Nigeria has urged Nigerians to come together to aid the nation in its fight for survival, that being committed to the well-being of the country will help in the fight against rot and corruption to mention a few.

He stated that the nation needs help from the churches in Nigeria, hence the creation of a programme like the Platform which started seven years ago, giving praise to the convener of the programme Pastor Poju Oyemade of the Covenant Christian Church.

‘Quite frankly, what we are doing today is one of the things that we should be doing in Nigeria at this point in time, Nigeria needs a lot of help, Nigeria needs a lot of involvement an d above all Nigeria needs a lot of help from the church, from the body of Christ, which is the foundation from which this has come forth

‘So am hoping that going out of this place today, we’ll take a few things back home and it’s not just going to be coming here listening to great speeches by great people, but thinking about what to do and taking a few decisions and a few steps as to which way we are going to take Nigeria, how we are going to come together and make Nigeria work’

The fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and the Chartered Institute of Taxation, hinted that a lot of Nigerians get ignited with the spirit of determination on the pathways of achievement but while into it, it fizzles out and they give up due to challenges, while urging Nigerians to come together and do something about the challenges facing the nation.

‘A lot of things are put together by good people, but somehow or the other, the sustainability and persistence to see it through becomes a challenge’ backing it up with a bible quote, saying ‘he that endureth till the end, it is he that wins’

He said he hoped that after the Platform, some people will take it upon themselves the responsibility to contribute their quota to making Nigeria a greater nation.

‘ Am hoping that after this talk, a few of us will gather together and decide to do something about Nigeria and decide to sacrifice and pay the price for Nigeria and decide that the common good of all, is better than the simple good of one

‘And unless there is that kind of sacrifice, unless there’s that kind of intent, unless there’s that kind of commitment to the well-being of Nigeria, we are still going to be talking’

He emphasized that there are so many talkers, but they fail to take their talking to the next level as it remains on the ‘table of speech’ because when it is time to act, you see a lot of them draw back as he urged Nigerians to get involved in the leadership of the nation.

He however echoed his regret that while the nation was transiting from the military to a democratic setting, he and some others stayed behind, in churches and homes by allowing people who are not qualified to drive the nation forward to take the driver’s seat of Nigeria, a result of which Nigerians are now groaning over, as he insisted that things must change from the old days.

Pastor Ighodalo is also a member of American Institute of Management and publisher of Timeless Media Group.