
Buhari To Address Nigerians By 7pm

  President Muhammadu Buhari will on Thursday be addressing Nigerians at 7 pm with a repeat broadcast at 9 pm. Advertisement This was disclosed in … Continue reading Buhari To Address Nigerians By 7pm

President Muhammadu Buhari
President Muhammadu Buhari


President Muhammadu Buhari will on Thursday be addressing Nigerians at 7 pm with a repeat broadcast at 9 pm.

This was disclosed in a statement by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina.

“All television, radio stations and other electronic media outlets are advised to hook up to the network services of the Nigerian Television Authority and Radio Nigeria for the broadcast”, Adesina added.

READ ALSO‘I Don’t Take Your Support For Granted’, Buhari Begs Nigerians To Re-Elect Him

The President had last week appealed to Nigerians in a video message that his government will continue to work in their best interest if he is re-elected in the coming polls.

He said the past three years have not been an easy one for his government.

He, however, noted that with sincerity of purpose, perseverance, dedication and most importantly support from the people, his government has made great progress.

“Some of these achievements are visible for everyone to see, some are still in the works,” he said.

President Buhari told Nigerians that if granted the support he seeks, his government’s mandate will be delivered accordingly.