
Russia Expels UK Defence Attache In Tit-For-Tat Move

The United Kingdom's defence attache's expulsion in Moscow was in response to a similar move by the UK authorities last week,

Russian President Vladimir Putin holds his year-end press conference at Gostiny Dvor exhibition hall in central Moscow on December 14, 2023. (Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko / POOL / AFP)
FILES: Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko / POOL / AFP)


Russia has ordered the expulsion of the United Kingdom’s defence attache in Moscow in response to a similar move by the UK authorities last week, Moscow’s foreign ministry said Thursday.

“The defence attache at the British Embassy in Moscow, A. T. Coghill, has been declared persona non grata. He must leave the territory of the Russian Federation within a week,” it said.