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Borno Governor Blasts Army Over Convoy Attack


The Borno State Governor, Babagana Zulum has confronted the army over an attack on his convoy in Baga, a town in Kukawa local government.

Governor Zulum had departed Maiduguri, the state capital on Monday afternoon for the northern part of the state in continuation of the food distribution programme which he started earlier in July.

On Wednesday, he was scheduled to visit Baga, a fishing town on the shores of the Lake Chad region which has been under the control of insurgents for many years until the military declared its liberation, insisting no Nigerian territory is under the control of Boko Haram.

But, few kilometers to Baga, gunmen opened fire on the Governor and his entourage.

The Governor was forced to retreat as security operatives on escort duties repelled the attackers.

READ ALSO: Borno Governor’s Convoy Escapes Attack In Baga

A furious Zulum confronted the Commanding Officer in Mile 4, mincing no words in expressing his disappointment at the inability of the military to rid Baga and environs of insurgents.

“You have been here for over one year now, there are 1,181 soldiers here; if you cannot take over Baga which is less than 5 km from your base, then we should forget about Baga. I will inform the Chief of Army Staff to redeploy the men to other places that they can be useful,” Zulum said.

“You people said there’s no Boko Haram here, then who attacked us?”

The Governor has since returned safely with his entourage to Monguno where the distribution of palliatives continues.

Solomon Elusoji

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