
Stop Last-Minute Theft Of Treasury, Labour Tells Buhari

  The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, and their Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, counterparts, have called on President Muhammadu Buhari to focus his efforts … Continue reading Stop Last-Minute Theft Of Treasury, Labour Tells Buhari

A photo combination of TUC and NLC logos.


The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, and their Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, counterparts, have called on President Muhammadu Buhari to focus his efforts on mitigating last-minute looting of the nation’s treasury as his administration winds down.

This was off the President-elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Workers’ Day promise of tackling issues facing the workforce with an emphasis on a reviewed minimum wage structure

In a joint address delivered at the National Workers’ Day celebration held at Eagle Square, Abuja, the organised Labour unions advised the President to caution members of his administration from plunging the country into ruin with thieving.

“The outgoing President must take steps to ensure that those in his administration planning last-minute heists on the nation’s treasury are stopped,” they said.

Speaking on the nation’s debt profile they lamented the state of continuous borrowing that has left the economy non-progressive.

“Our debt profile as a nation must worry every patriot and it worries us not just as workers but also as citizens of Nigeria.

“We have warned repeatedly of the dangers of excessive borrowing of foreign exchange-denominated loans and alerted the nation of the inherent danger, urging the nation’s economic managers to desist but all of these fell on deaf ears with some very unfortunate attempts at justification.”

“This prodigious borrowing has almost left our nation’s economy stranded and fiscally insufficient.”

“It looks like, in our nation, the only reason we borrow is to steal because we cannot see its benefits for the people. We insist that while nations can borrow for productive reasons such as investments in well-thought-out projects, it is unhealthy to borrow for consumption.”