
Drug Trafficking: Over 500 Nigerians In Thai Prisons

Nigerian Ambassador to Thailand, Mr. Chudi Okafor, has revealed that over 500 Nigerians are in Thai prisons for drug trafficking. This came to the fore … Continue reading Drug Trafficking: Over 500 Nigerians In Thai Prisons

thailand 2Nigerian Ambassador to Thailand, Mr. Chudi Okafor, has revealed that over 500 Nigerians are in Thai prisons for drug trafficking.

This came to the fore when the diplomat paid a private courtesy visit to Anambra State Governor, Willie Obiano, at the Governor’s lodge, in Amawbia.

Issues concerning agriculture and the challenges of drug trafficking amongst Nigerian youths, who are serving various jail terms in Asian countries, were discussed.

Relaying the outcome of the meeting with the Ambassador to the press, the Governor said that agricultural intervention in the areas of rice, cassava and maize production will come from Thailand through the diplomat’s assistance.

Also, on the issue of mitigating the challenge of Nigerians in Thai prisons, he revealed that there is an ongoing process termed Prisoner Transfer Arrangement, whereby prisoners who must have served certain number of years in jail will be transferred from the foreign prison to their homelands.

Thailand, is the first country to start the process as they do not execute drug traffickers unlike other Asian countries.

Mr. Okafor stressed that drug offense is not a minor offense and advised parents to always be critical of the activities of their children, especially those abroad, to ensure that their conduct does not destroy them or shame to their fatherland.