
Big Brother has been Kidnapped

There was so much panic and fear in the Big Brother house on Wednesday morning when a new Big Brother invaded the house. Biggie has … Continue reading Big Brother has been Kidnapped

There was so much panic and fear in the Big Brother house on Wednesday morning when a new Big Brother invaded the house.

Biggie has been kidnapped and in his place a new, scarier Big Brother has taken over.

There was panic this morning when the lights were dimmed dramatically and a powerful force took the reins.

Goldie with so much shock left her mouth open, while Alex sat in the corner looking dumbfounded. After what seemed to be an eternity, the lights came back on and a scary voice rang through the House.

The new Big Brother did not introduce himself instead delivered a shocker saying Big Brother has been kidnapped.

What can the housemate do to save Big Brother?